Still from CUBBY (2019), feature film

Fresh Tomato Review from Annie Kermode

"Everything hinges on Blane's performance. Open and emotional and in-your-face as it is, there's more depth there than first meets the eye.

-Eye for Film

Fresh Tomato Review from Rich Cline

“​He may be a dork, but his pure intentions ​make even his most transgressive behaviour seem innocent...It's also ​disarmingly entertaining ​to follow Mark on this odyssey​.”

-Shadows on the Wall

Still from CUBBY (2019), feature film

Still from CUBBY (2019), feature film

Fresh Tomato Review from Norman Gidney

“Mark Blane has ​John Cameron Mitchell’s warm understanding and faith in the goodness of people”

-Film Threat

Review from John Paul King

“Taken all together, the characters create a portrait of humanity comprised of broken, uncertain souls mustering all they have to rise to the task of facing their daily life. On paper, it sounds pretty bleak; on film, it manages to be has a voice of its own that is not quite like anything else you’ve ever seen – and there are very few films out there today, Indie or otherwise, that can lay claim to that.”

-Los Angeles Blade

Still from CUBBY (2019), feature film

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